Friday 25 July 2014



Yes, I went to see the sumo! Though, it took some effort: a lot of days were sold out. I don't suppose I really need to say much about sumo, so I'll just post some pictures! My pictures didn't turn out that great, but you get the idea...

Well, there you have it - it was lots of fun, and pretty interesting!

Here are some youtube videos of the tournament and day that I went to, if you're interested:  (this one is pretty long...) (this one has interviews and stuff - but it is of one bout, so it gives you a feel for the overall atmosphere and process of one bout)


1 comment:

  1. The photo's are great. You did grow in size with all the layers of the outfit. We watched the second you tube and saw all the pillows being thrown. Famous having your photo in the paper.
