Here are a few other things I've been up to lately!
University Festival
It's definitely been something of a festival season recently. On top of the Nagoya Festival, Sugiyama's University Festival was on not long ago. Now, I know that I'm in Japan - but since most of the Exchange Students at Sugiyama are Chinese, our Exchange student stall ended up with a Chinese theme. And it just happened that one of the Chinese girls had a China dress with them that fitted me. So I thought I'd wear it...And that's why I'm wearing a China dress in the photo's below.
We went to see Kabuki for class recently too. Of course, you can't take photos of the performance, but here are a few of us at the venue.
Because it's such a shame we couldn't get photos, here are some off the internet (of the same stories). Aren't the costumes impressive? The venue was pretty impressive too - it had a stage that rotated!
This was my favourite costume!
This was my favourite story - The scary wife was great! It's called 「身替座禅」migawarizazen.It's kind of a comedy. The story is something like: the husband wants to go out, but his scary wife won't let him - so he sneaks out, but is found out!

This is the pamphlet for the one we went to!
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